E-learning solutions
Bring your digital learning content to life with new design tools and apps that will transform the online learning experience in your organisation.
The goal of any type of learning is to enable the learner to retain and use the information presented. If the knowledge isn’t retained or applied, then the learning isn’t doing what it’s supposed to do. Ask yourself, are your current e-learning modules delivering the experience and results you want? Or is it just a box-ticking exercise?
We have reimaged e-learning by using new tools and technologies to really bring digital content to life.
Learning can be tailored to individual needs, roles and responsibilities instead of standardised, generic content.
Choose from more than 30 different interactions including flip cards carousels 2D animation and branched videos.
Add gamification elements for a much more engaging experience.
Deliver content in bite-sized chunks for learning that sticks.
Choose from a range of design features to create creative, engaging and adaptive learning experiences.
Onboarding new hires
Compliance content
Health and safety content
Policies and procedures
Management development
Functional / technical knowledge
Systems / IT training
Leadership development