Degreed is a workforce learning and upskilling platform that combines lifelong learning and data-driven development.
Degreed brings everything your workforce needs to build in-demand skills. It integrates and curates all the resources people use to learn—including learning management systems and millions of courses, videos, articles, books, and podcasts.
Degreed uses data science and machine learning to generate real-time analytics on what, how, and where a workforce is learning. This helps customers quickly spot learning and career growth opportunities, and inform future upskilling, learning, and workforce strategies, as well as talent and learning investments.
Degreed enables employers to better retain, upskill, and redeploy talent based on their skills. This creates a virtuous cycle where people are upskilled based on their goals and current role, allowing them to move into new roles as business needs arise and then later upskilling again for their next internal career step.
Degreed products and processes are built to stand up to the demanding requirements of the most complex organisations. Whether it’s flexibility, security, scalability, accessibility, or globalisation, Degreed can handle it.
Measure critical skills and visualise strengths or gaps in real time
Easily integrate and manage internal and external learning resources
Amplify internal mobility by identifying hidden talent
Enable people to easily search for career opportunities
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