
Where are organisations falling short with their onboarding programmes?

Dive into our white-paper “Reimagine the Onboarding Experience” a comprehensive resource designed to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies necessary to design onboarding experiences that support your people to be competent and confident in their role from day one.

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Where are organisations falling short with their onboarding programmes?

The shift to working from home has had a huge impact on how we grow the skills and capabilities of people in our organisations. It also kick-started a much-needed, long-overdue redesign of onboarding programmes to help engage new hires from day one.

It’s time for a new onboarding story to address the needs of new employees and help them find their feet in their new roles. The key design question is “how can you effectively train and onboard new employees in a geographically dispersed environment, foster a culture of connectivity, and deliver a great employee experience?”

What you'll find inside the guide:

This white-paper dives deep into the problems of traditional onboarding and offers solutions to create a modern and effective approach to onboarding.  Learn how to move beyond a programme-based approach with a defined start and end date. We'll show you how to foster a culture of continuous development within your organisation, ensuring your employees keep growing and thriving.

1. What’s the problem?

  • Lack of onboarding process: Many organisations lack a structured onboarding programme, leaving new hires unsupported and disengaged.  
  • Information overload: Traditional onboarding often overwhelms new hires with a massive amount of information at once, leading to information loss and wasted time.
  • The capability cliff: New hires with different knowledge levels may be forced into lengthy online modules or unproductive classroom settings. After initial training, these new hires are left unsupported, leading to confusion and potentially bad habits that negatively affect long-term success.
  • Disconnection in hybrid environments: Traditional face-to-face onboarding doesn't translate well to hybrid work models, but socialization and team connection are crucial for employee engagement, requiring new strategies for dispersed teams.

2. How can we fix onboarding?

  • Prioritize onboarding content and make information accessible. Learn how to identify the most important information for new hires and deliver it in a way that's easy to understand and find.
  • Build a learning environment that supports continuous development. Discover how to create a system that empowers employees to keep learning and growing beyond the initial onboarding phase.
  • Create customized content that caters to individual needs. We'll show you how to tailor onboarding experiences to address the specific needs of each new hire.
  • Design opportunities for connection and build relationships in a hybrid work environment. Learn how to foster a sense of connection and belonging even when employees are working remotely.
  • Focus on achieving positive outcomes and measure the impact of your onboarding programme. If you don't know how you're going to measure the impact of the training you deliver, what's the point of delivering the training? Discover how to set goals for your onboarding programme and track its effectiveness.

Are you ready to leave outdated onboarding methods behind and create a winning experience for your new employees? Download your free copy of the Reimagine the Onboarding Experience whitepaper today and discover how to transform your onboarding process for the digital age!

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