
New normal animations

We hope you were able to make use of our free Lockdown Field Guide animation series over the past 6 weeks, either individually, amongst your friends and family, or across your organisations. We have received incredible feedback and each animation has received 1000’s of views so we hope they played a small positive role in maintaining wellbeing throughout lockdown.

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New normal animations

We hope you were able to make use of our free Lockdown Field Guide animation series over the past 6 weeks, either individually, amongst your friends and family, or across your organisations. We have received incredible feedback and each animation has received 1000’s of views so we hope they played a small positive role in maintaining wellbeing throughout lockdown.

Here at Capability Group we are in the process of leaning even more into the digital content and learning tech space. We are building on the incredible results our clients have been getting with Axonify for their frontline employees for several years now, the digital content we have been developing at pace over the past 3 years and new VR solutions we will be releasing post-COVID. We will keep you posted on the new offerings, collaborations, and partnerships we intend to bring to the market over the next 3 months.

In our conversations with many of our clients over the past 6 weeks we have identified the four following common issues or concerns you think you will need to address over the next 3-12 months:

  • Keeping a check on your employees mental wellbeing and ensuring you have appropriate mechanisms in place to deal with issues if they arise
  • Team leaders are looking for strategies and tactics to keep their dispersed teams engaged
  • Some teams are struggling to work across in a dispersed way either or a mixed way (home + office)
  • Some team members are having high anxiety and there are mixed levels of resilience … this is going to continue to evolve over the months ahead

As a result, we are continuing with the Field Guide concept and morphing the Lockdown Field Guide into The “New Normal” Field Guide. The new field guide will contain a wider range of digital and blended learning resources to support you, your teams, and your organisations through the months ahead to address the issues described above and navigate your way in highly ambiguous times.

The difference moving forward is we are going to have to charge fees for each of the components of the programme. We need to cover our costs and we understand the budget constraints your side so we have hopefully priced these appropriately for the times … they are all heavily discounted!

The Field Guide will consist of the following programmes:

  • Mental wellbeing animation series. This consists of 11 animations focused on various aspects of mental wellbeing targeting all employees and people leaders. This series could be used as an awareness raising campaign within an organisation or the content could simply be made available via intranet’s or LMS’s. The programme has been specifically designed to sit alongside the work of the Mental Health Foundation, St Johns and others.
  • Leading mixed located teams. Target – team leaders / managers. 4 x 90 min online workshops (with prepare and apply work).
  • Building a cohesive team. Target – individual teams. 4 x 90 minute online workshops (with prepare and apply work).
  • Self-clarity in a time of uncertainty. Cohorts of all employees. 4 x 90 minute online workshops (with prepare and apply work).

If any of the above are aligned with needs in your organisation give us a call or contact us here and lets discuss.

Wishing you and your organisations well over the months ahead, and remember we are here to help out in a range of different ways.

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